Further Confusion was a weekend of fun, as usual, despite this being the rainiest FC ever. Always great spending time with friends, and meeting new people. It’s a total thrill everytime someone comes up to me and tells me they like my art :).

I finished 4 new adult pics. Hope you enjoy :). I also finished a new Art CD, which is available in the Shop.

I had intended to update this page right after Anthrocon, but time kind of got away from me. Right after Anthrocon, we moved to a new apartment, then there was a ton of prep work to do for Burning Man, then there was the week long Burning Man event, then there was the Burning Man recovery, and then the holidays swept in. So, I’m very sorry for the lack of updates and the general lack of artwork from me.

There are 4 new pics, 2 adult ones and 2 non-adult. FC is almost here and I hope to get a new batch of art done for it.

I have a page on Fur Affinity. I’ll try to update both that site and this one at the same time in the future, but you may want to check there first. It’s also a great place to find new, fantastic art.