Fantasy Adult

I decided to put all my adult art among these pages; not just the furry guys. While these guys aren't furred, some have animal characteristics, such as Criss (one of my favorite characters). You can find clothed pictures of him (well, somewhat clothed) and a lot of other guys at my other site. There's a big influence from anime and manga in my art in general (kind of evolving out of a huge influence by Wendy Pini's Elfquest), and when I discovered gay-themed manga, it inspired me to do more gay-themed drawings. I'd blame them for the explicit nature of some of the newer pics, but my mind's pretty dirty on it's own, so…

Pressing in Close
Loose Shorts
Sasho and Gletscher
Deer Call
Kiwa & Sakita
Room For One More
Nude Tiger
Ready to Play
Pawpal & Dustyn
Dustyn & Pawpal
Kaze Lionpawz
Cute Dustyn
Agent of M.O.D.
4 Way
Icelyon & Zen