A lot of my friends, both artists and non-artists, have their own web sites so check them out, if you like. Just don’t write me back saying something like, “Oh, I really loved your artβ¦ Until I saw your friend’s art. Man, you suck in comparison.” That would just plain hurt my feelings :).
The list has expanded a bit to include people who aren’t technically friends as I’ve either only talked briefly with them and/or just really like their art, but ‘Friends’ sounds so much nicer than ‘Links,’ huh?
I’ve listed all my friends in alphabetical order (by first name, because for some reason, it makes more sense to me).
If you’d like to add a link to my site, you can use this banner, if you like:

Al Mackey
A fluid, animated art style combined with killer computer coloring.
April Lee
A friend for a long time, April’s art has always blown me away. She has a lush style with great attention to detail.
Can create a wide range of moods with an art style that’s both simple and light, and yet highly skilled and detailed at the same time.
Ayame, formerly Sheena_Was, draws lovely bodies. She’s also amazing with markers; great depth and detail.
Smudge Marks & Engel Werks
Website of Baron Engel and Christina “Smudge” Hanson; two very talented artists.
Brian Harp/Jace
A cool, expressive, detailed art style and another major inspiration for me trying furry art.
Chris Goodwin (Paf)–
Chris is way too talented. Very striking, personal style, and he experiments in different media, surfaces, and patterns with fantastic results. On top of that, he’s a nice guy and so humble about his art.
Chris Sawyer–
Chris is a good friend who’s art style is very cute and sexy. If you like equines and dinosaurs, Chris’ art is something you’ve got to see. He does other species well, too, of course.
Dark Natasha–
Shoulda added a link to Natasha’s page a long time ago… Amazingly detailed art, very sensual figure work, and a sweet person, as well.
Den/Nobuhiko Abe–
A highly talented Japanese artist who I met over e-mail, and got to meet for the first time at CF 99. Check out his work. It’s fantastic.
Diana Harlan Stein–
Another long-time friend and impressive artist; very fluid, light style.
DiGi Knight–
I just recently ‘met’ DiGi Knight via e-mail. Very talented Japanese kemono (furry) artist.
DJ Mixer–
A cool friend and an artist with both pencil and record spinning.
Drew Maxwell–
www.speedycat.com (main page)
www.speedycat.com/~cheetah (Drew’s page)
A sweet and generous friend who got me hooked up to the ‘net in the first place (See, it’s his fault I don’t get more art done faster ‘cuz I’m now helplessly addicted to the Internet…:).
Eddie Coon–
I really like his art (and subject matter ;). A better artist than he gives himself credit for.
Fallen Angel–
Fallen draws extremely cute anime-style boys, and he’s a nice guy on top of that.
Fel’s a very good friend and he’s got a wonderful art style; very animated, fluid, and damn sexy, and he just gets better and better. He comes up with some of the best poses and expressions I’ve seen.
www.furnation.com/fennec Really nice guy and a very talented artist. Cute, expressive style (heh, that applies to both him and his art π
A nice guy and very good writer.
I’ve seen FoxxFire’s art grow and evolve so quickly in the relatively short years I’ve known him. Very sexy furry images.
digilander.iol.it/striped -Furry site
digilander.iol.it/gilden72 -Online fantasy comic
Very cool Italian artist. Does both sexy furs and elves. Big plus for me π
I love his work; cute, sexy, expressive, and full of life. Highly skilled with a brush (insert envy here) and other media. Check it out.
Highly detailed, lush style. Trying to get him to draw more guys…And winning. π
A great friend and artist. He comes up with wild, fun (and sometimes, bent) ideas for drawings, and despite being able to do them incredibly fast, they look really good; I hate him π
Heather Bruton–
www.golden.net/~marg/ fantasy site
www.furnation.com/bruton/ furry site
I’ve known Heather since, yikes, 1989, and I’ve always been very impressed with her work; her sense of design, her painting style, and especially her sexy male subjects π
Very nice guy and talented artist. His drawings of his character Krahnos are some of the most sexy, sensual pics of a dragon I’ve seen; his design is just plain hot :). His recent paintings have really impressed me, too.
A nice person and friend.
Way more talented than he realizes, and he keeps improving with practically each drawing. Just need to whap him upside the head to finish more pieces ;). Very sexy stuff.
Louie FurryWolfy–
A really nice artist I got to talk with at Anthrocon this year. He has a great style. Very sexy, muscly furry males.
Someone with both artistic and musical talent. Nice work in both areas.
Very kinetic, sharp style, and gorgeous coloring. The sex can be pretty hot, too π
Marci McAdam–
A sweet friend with a wonderful drawing style; very cute and colorful, with a lot of energy.
MatoC has a very cute and erotic anime/furry style. His site is new and doesn’t have a whole lot of stuff yet, but it’s well worth checking out. He does comic work, as well.
Michael McAdam–
One of my closest friends, Michael was sweet and generous enough to design my first web page and let me use it as a template for this one.
He and his friend, Mike, run Two Gargoyles Graphics, a Graphic Arts Service Provider (and host for my fantasy site).
Michele Light–
The Furry Art of Michele Light
Michele has one of the cutest, most individual styles I’ve seen.
I’ve seen his art grow a lot over the few years I’ve known him. Gorgeous coloring and gorgeous males.
Pervert π
Ollie Canal–
Fantastic imagination and ideas, great style and color technique.
Paul Johnson–
Paul needs to draw much more frequently. He does very cute elves and satyrs.
Rebecca Kemp–
Furries, wildlife, and fantasy in a rich, classical style.
Robin Wood–
Robin brings out the fanboy in me ‘cuz I saw her wonderful art on the covers of Dragon magazine long before I met and became friends with her.
Ruth Thompson–
Striking style, and another sweet person.
Sara Palmer/Caribou–
Sara’s art is great; detailed, colorful, and sensual, and she’s fun to hang out with :).
Vibrant, dynamic design, bold colors, and still not enough words to accurately gush over T’s work. Just go check it out.
Terrie Smith–
Terrie’s someone I’ve known as long as Heather. I’ll always be partial to her sexy non-furred males, but she also does cute furries and wildlife pieces.
Tina (NeNe) Thomas–
Detailed, dynamic art style, and a really sweet person.
Tom Dow–
The best artist I know personally. His site is pretty much just his sketchbook, but even his sketches are incredible. Hopefully, he’ll have a site that shows off his paintings one of these days (Big hint, Tom! π
Tristan Alexander–
I’ve been long remiss in providing a link to Tristan’s site. Beautifully detailed art and very sensual fantasy subjects. He and I collaborated on an art book years ago which is available through his site. It’s called Savage Grace.
An artist and cool guy who’s nice enough to host the original, Fur.com, site for this page.
Be sure to check out FUR.COM, if you haven’t already. Lots of interesting things there.
VCL Anthropomorphic Image Library–
Huge library of many artists’ work.
One of the coolest furry sites, and the best place to discover lots of great artists.
The Barry R. Kirshner Wildlife Foundation–
A wonderful place and a great cause.
More will be added in the future. And if you are a friend of mine and have a page not listed here, let me know.