Furry Adult

I like naked guys. I like drawing naked guys. I like drawing naked guys doing...Well, see for yourself if you think it may be up your alley. If not, go back and look at the other pictures :) There are currently 4 pages of adult furry stuff I've done 'cuz I seem to do more of that than anything else :). This page contains the most recent work. There are links to the other three pages below. Limited posting/distribution, such as on image boards like fchan, is ok with me, but please try to include a link back here. Thank you.

Pressing in Close
Loose Shorts
Sasho and Gletscher
Deer Call
Kiwa & Sakita
Room For One More
Nude Tiger
Ready to Play
Pawpal & Dustyn
Dustyn & Pawpal
Kaze Lionpawz
Cute Dustyn
Agent of M.O.D.
4 Way
Icelyon & Zen