Furry G-Rated

The blending of animals and the human form in (usually) a more cartoony style can be really cool. The artists in the genre have an interesting range of styles, and I like a lot of them. Terrie Smith (who's also a great fantasy artist), Ken Sample, Brian Harp, and Marci McAdam are a few of the friends and artists whose work in this subject has really influenced and inspired me to get into it myself. Limited posting/distribution, such as on image boards like fchan, is ok with me, but please try to include a link back here. Thank you.

Pressing in Close
Loose Shorts
Sasho and Gletscher
Deer Call
Kiwa & Sakita
Room For One More
Nude Tiger
Ready to Play
Pawpal & Dustyn
Dustyn & Pawpal
Kaze Lionpawz
Cute Dustyn
Agent of M.O.D.
4 Way
Icelyon & Zen