
Hi, First off, want to say a big thanks to all the watches, comments, and favs. They mean a lot to me. Now some kinda sucky news. I won't be going to Anthrocon this year. I will miss the con terribly. I look forward to it every year and love...


Further Confusion was a weekend of fun, as usual, despite this being the rainiest FC ever. Always great spending time with friends, and meeting new people. It's a total thrill everytime someone comes up to me and tells me they like my art :). I finished 4 new adult pics....


Hi, Another awesomely fun Further Confusion. The rain was definitely a bummer; mostly because it made the parties more cramped due to not being able to hang out on the massive balcony. Loved seeing out of town friends and meeting new people :). It was great having almost a whole...

Further Confusion

Hey, Just a note to say I'll be at Further Confusion this coming weekend. I've got a table in the Dealers Room (#47). I'll have new prints (currently finishing up 3 new pieces; a lion/lion pair, a german shepherd, and a deer/wolf pair. Hopefully squeeze in 1 more), and a...

Sorry it’s been awhile

I had intended to update sooner than this, but time kind of got away from me. Right after Anthrocon, we moved to a new apartment, then there was a ton of prep work to do for Burning Man, then there was the week long Burning Man event, then there was...


I had intended to update this page right after Anthrocon, but time kind of got away from me. Right after Anthrocon, we moved to a new apartment, then there was a ton of prep work to do for Burning Man, then there was the week long Burning Man event, then there...


Anthrocon was a whole lot of fun. Had a great time seeing friends and meeting new people. I'm always amazed at how many new people are going to the cons every year. I think that's great :) As always, the con went by way too quickly... While I'd love to...


Hi, I used to be on the old FA, and, I've been meaning to put my stuff back up here on the new one for, uh, well, ever. I really enjoyed FA before, and I hope to reconnect with the artists I watched and check out everyone's new stuff. Look...