I love getting email on my site and art. I’m not always great with writing back, but I’m trying to improve that (see below). I’ve noticed I get asked a few things frequently, so I figure putting up an FAQ will answer some questions right away. Now you can concentrate on heaping me with praise! (I’m -so- kidding there 🙂

Q: What do you use to color?
 I use a combination of markers and color pencils. I lay down a flat marker color then use the pencils for highlighting and shading. I may add a step-by-step here at some point. I use Prismacolor pencils and both Prismacolor and Tria markers. I’m liking Tria’s more and more as they can be refilled and seem to hold more ink than the Prismacolors.

Q: Do you take commissions?
 Not anymore. As much as I’ve enjoyed doing art for others in the past, currently I don’t have the spare time to do both my own ideas and the ideas of others. Please don’t write asking if I can do a piece of art for you, ‘cuz as much as I may like to, I don’t have the time.
Most of my friends listed in my Friends page are artists, so you may want to check them out if you desire a commission. I know some of them are taking them :).

Q: Can you please draw my character?
 I hate saying no, but I have to. Please do not ask me to draw your character. If I’m going to draw a specific character, it’ll most likely be one of my own since I honestly don’t have a lot of drawing time.

Q: Can you give me any drawing tips?
 I’ve been asked this a lot and I decided to put up a page with as much advice as I can think of for both drawing in general and drawing furries. Check out THIS PAGE

Q: Are you up for suggestions/requests?
 Don’t be shy in making suggestions or requests such as species I haven’t done, or situations for characters to be in; fairly generic stuff. I can’t promise I’ll do it, but I might.

Q: Do you have a CD or book of your work available?
 Yes! See the Print Shop page for more info on my first CD (available as of 1/05). No book available at this time.

Q: Who’s your furry personna?
 Dustyn’s my main furry personna (Please note that I’m not nearly as cute or slutty as he is 🙂

Q: Are you on any MUCKs?
 I’m on Tapestries as Dustyn, but I rarely log in as I’m pretty busy.

Q: Are you on AIM, ICQ, and/or Yahoo Messenger?
 Nope. Not at my computer often enough to make it worth it.

Q: Do you go to furry cons?
 Yep! The fandom and cons are a lot of fun, so I try to go to as many as I can. Check my Update page for the next con I plan to attend.

Q: Do you have mirror sites?
 Yes. Thanks to the generosity of friends, my site is hosted in two places:

Sites go up and down, so you may want to bookmark both.

I also have another site that’s totally different in content. It’s the home of my fantasy art, and art I’ve done for games:

Q: I wrote you an email. Why didn’t you write back?
 I’m trying to get better at this because I really do appreciate hearing from people. I’m now trying to answer all my email within a couple weeks. If you wrote to me awhile ago and didn’t hear back, please write again.

Q: How long have you been drawing furries?
 Since 1995. I had done just fantasy art before that. Though I had been doing characters with animal qualities, it wasn’t until ’95 that I first tried drawing furry characters.

Q: Why don’t you draw females?
 Nothing against females. I just like drawing guys more, and since my drawing time is limited, the guys keep winning out. Plus I know there’s some people that would drop dead if they saw a girl drawing in my gallery. Drop stone cold dead, they would 😉

Q: Geez, what’s with all the porn, man?
 I like porn. It’s not all I do, but, yeah, I’ll admit I’ve been doing adult art more than anything else for awhile, and that’s honestly because I enjoy doing it (heh, heh, I said ‘doing it’). I try to put a lot of fun/loving emotion into my work, too, so I hope it doesn’t come across as just porn :).