
I used to be on the old FA, and, I’ve been meaning to put my stuff back up here on the new one for, uh, well, ever.

I really enjoyed FA before, and I hope to reconnect with the artists I watched and check out everyone’s new stuff. Look forward to discovering new artists, too :). I appreciate feedback, so if you want to say anything about any piece, good or bad, please don’t be shy.

I’m going to post a mix of old stuff and new. If you’ve seen my website before, at least half the posting won’t be new, but the image files will be a bit higher in quality.

If you like what you see, there’s more at my website. If you want to buy prints or a CD, the website has all the info. I’m not taking any commissions at this time. I may start offering to do badge commissions soon, and I’ll mention it here and at the website.

I’ll really try to update as often as I can. I go a long time between updates on my website (a whole year this last time!), but I’m hoping interacting here will help push me to draw more often.

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