Pawpal & Dustyn

A friend’s character getting the drop on Dustyn. There’s another one of these with Dustyn on top as well.
Dustyn & Pawpal

The flipside of the Pawpal/Dustyn pic I drew. To accent the reverse roles in this scene, I chose background colors that complimented the colors in the first drawing.
4 Way

Been awhile since I’ve drawn more than 3 guys in a shot. I was really happy with how the lion’s face turned out, in particular.
Giving and Receiving

I’ve been asked why I had never drawn Dustyn bottoming. The answer was that I just hadn’t gotten around to it yet 🙂 He definitely doesn’t limit himself to just top or bottom.
Experimenting 2

The boys from the first Experimenting drawing I did return for a sequel. I’ve been wanting to draw them again for awhile 🙂
Deep Inside

Dustyn slides all the way into a bunny who thought he could easily take it. Silly rabbit…
Lap Dance

Wil, the mouse, is becoming a favorite character of mine. He’s just so fun to draw. German Shepherd’s are fun to draw, too. I decided to try something different with the background. Something more abstract and geometric. I like how it came out.
Dog Day Afternoon

Rocky (see earlier pics) and a rottweiler share a fox.
Smile for the Safari

A great friend of mine, Vandringar, penciled this piece. I inked and colored it. It includes his favorite species; a hyena, a bat, and a jackal (though you can’t see the jackal’s face). I’m glad he put in an okapi. I’ve been wanting to draw one for awhile. I can just picture a jeep full […]
Wolf & Lion

This is a piece I worked on with Fel. I did the main pencils, he added to them, I inked it, and he colored it. A young lion getting royally, um, intimate with a big, bad, wolf… At least a big wolf 😉