
A sultry fox smiles and gazes invitingly. Loved drawing this pose.
Agent of M.O.D.

Further Confusion 2007’s theme was spies. Rather than going with a James Bond type, I took my inspiration from the 60’s, Marvel’s (and Jim Steranko’s) Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.E.I.L.D, and Dave Cockrum’s and Mike Grell’s early 70’s Legion of Super-Heroes costume designs. Nothin’ says cool like a foxy spy in white go-go boots 🙂
4 Way

Been awhile since I’ve drawn more than 3 guys in a shot. I was really happy with how the lion’s face turned out, in particular.
Experimenting 2

The boys from the first Experimenting drawing I did return for a sequel. I’ve been wanting to draw them again for awhile 🙂
Exotic Dancer: Fox

6th Exotic Dancer pic. Couldn’t resist doing a fox dancer. The pose and expression just fit a fox, I think. Felt like giving him a rather sizable… Talent 🙂
Queen of Hearts

Going with Further Confusion 2003’s Alice in Wonderland theme, here’s the Queen of Hearts ordering some heads off’ed for painting her roses red. I’m personally really pleased with her look and dress, and the costumes on the card guys (inspired by a costume I designed for a non-furry character). Some people have said they were […]

Kelin (the fox) and his mate Sunitai (the wolf in mid orgasm) share a very intimate picnic. Oddly, the biggest challenge was the picnic blanket :).
Decisions, Decisions…

Dustyn decides between two offers. He’s not deciding which one to choose, just which to start with. 🙂
Getting a Licking

Ok, so I was desperate for a title other than “Orgy 6.” It’s also the first group shot I’ve done where everybody’s doing the same act, just about. This is Rocky’s third appearance in my art. He’s fun to draw.
Experimenting 1

A young wolf and fox having fun discovering their bodies.