
Wil settling back for a horizontal dance.
Dustyn & Wil

I’ve had many requests to put Dustyn and Wil together in a drawing, and I liked the idea a lot, so here they are 🙂 Took me forever to come up with a background. A friend suggested something architectural so I drew some ruins. I honestly hate using a ruler :).
Queen of Hearts

Going with Further Confusion 2003’s Alice in Wonderland theme, here’s the Queen of Hearts ordering some heads off’ed for painting her roses red. I’m personally really pleased with her look and dress, and the costumes on the card guys (inspired by a costume I designed for a non-furry character). Some people have said they were […]
Lap Dance

Wil, the mouse, is becoming a favorite character of mine. He’s just so fun to draw. German Shepherd’s are fun to draw, too. I decided to try something different with the background. Something more abstract and geometric. I like how it came out.

Wil enjoys a long stretch as he gets ready to pleasure himself on a warm night.

Wil, my exotic dancer mouse, spends some time with a nameless ocelot.
Exotic Dancer: Mouse

This is the first mouse boy I’ve drawn, and I really like him. I was very happy with his face and pose. I’ve since drawn him more and named him Wil. This is also the first in a series of exotic dancers. There’s a rabbit in the g-rated furry gallery and a raccoon in this […]