Pawpal & Dustyn

A friend’s character getting the drop on Dustyn. There’s another one of these with Dustyn on top as well.
Dustyn & Pawpal

The flipside of the Pawpal/Dustyn pic I drew. To accent the reverse roles in this scene, I chose background colors that complimented the colors in the first drawing.
Cute Dustyn

My own character drawn for Kizzneth.
Watching You, Watching Me

Wanted to do a new solo shot of Dustyn. It kind of harkens back a bit to one of the first drawings I did of him.

FC 2006 commission sketch done for Realis.
Dustyn’s Teenage Years

A version of Dustyn I wanted to do of him on his 18th birthday… slender and cute :>
Giving and Receiving

I’ve been asked why I had never drawn Dustyn bottoming. The answer was that I just hadn’t gotten around to it yet 🙂 He definitely doesn’t limit himself to just top or bottom.
Dustyn & Wil

I’ve had many requests to put Dustyn and Wil together in a drawing, and I liked the idea a lot, so here they are 🙂 Took me forever to come up with a background. A friend suggested something architectural so I drew some ruins. I honestly hate using a ruler :).
Deep Inside

Dustyn slides all the way into a bunny who thought he could easily take it. Silly rabbit…
One Side Makes You Grow Larger…

I liked how the Cheshire Cat solo pic came out, and thought he was cute in a kinda crazy way, so I paired him up with Dustyn. 🙂 If you look closely, you’ll see a caterpillar sitting on one of the mushrooms in the background.