Decisions, Decisions…

Dustyn decides between two offers. He’s not deciding which one to choose, just which to start with. 🙂
Clothes? Dustyn?

It’s been brought to my attention a few times that I’ve never drawn a full color pic of Dustyn wearing clothes. So just to show you that he’s not always sleeping with someone, here he is in an outfit partially designed by Fel. See? He can be happy and be in clothes, too 🙂
Clashing Patterns

Dustyn sandwiched between two other patterned cats, a leopard and a black jaguar.
Dustyn & Storm

Storm is Drew Rader’s very hot character. 🙂 Drew’s a talented artist, and there’s a link to his site on my Friends page.
Softly Over

Inspired by a very special, if brief, time with a sweet person.
Dustyn & Kensaro

Dustyn playing with a friend.

Dustyn takes a large lion in deep, and goes for more. I’ve done quite a few pics with Dustyn and various guys, and have plans for more. I might end up giving him his own gallery called “Dustyn’s a Big ‘ol Ho’.” ….Just kidding 😉 Admin: We did! Click on the Dustyn icon to the […]

Orgy 5

Dustyn & Jurrel