
A nimble squirrel swings through the trees. I personally love the background colors. They came out exactly as I pictured them in my head. The squirrel came out nicely gangly as I figure a squirrel morph would be. I’m happy with the cute face, too.

Bound Collie

A bound collie giving himself over to his unseen master. Never drew a collie before. Thanks to L33T for the inspiration 😉
Clothes? Dustyn?

It’s been brought to my attention a few times that I’ve never drawn a full color pic of Dustyn wearing clothes. So just to show you that he’s not always sleeping with someone, here he is in an outfit partially designed by Fel. See? He can be happy and be in clothes, too 🙂
Ready For Round Two

My first shot at a striped hyena. Fun to do. Very happy with his expression and the background. I wanted him in a rocky environment, but also wanted to use cool colors to contrast with his fur. He’s just had some fun and is ready for round two.
Harem Toy

This wolf is a willing member of a harem. I wanted both him and the setting to look very inviting 🙂
Flower Bath

A cute otter enjoying a late night bath surrounded by lily pads and flowers.
Exotic Dancer: Lion

5th Exotic Dancer pic. Thought I’d break the small mammal streak with a young lion.
Exotic Dancer – Skunk

4th Exotic Dancer pic. Workin’ my way through small mammals
Further Confusion 2001 – promo art

This was done for a really cool furry con, Further Confusion, that happened in Jan. 2001. They used the b&w; image for flyers and some comic advertising, and I colored it up for the con.